Friday, November 25, 2016

The Great Good Thing~a Book Review

Before I begin my review I thought I would mention that I am back to my "old blog" home. How long that will be for is anybody's guess but Blue Host is giving me fits right now so please excuse the mess. Hopefully it will be rectified soon. Now, onto my review!

The message behind this book sounds like a perfect lead up to a good movie:
Agnostic Jewish-intellectual becomes baptized Christian.
If that isn't a mouthful then add into the fact of a lukewarm Jewish cultural upbringing with two parents on opposite sides. Toss in an extravagant Bar-Mitzvah and you have the recipe for a novel! Author Andre Klavan is an Edgar Award Winner and Best Selling International Author. A novel he wrote was turned into a movie and featured Clint Eastwood as the Director, along with another book turned movie starring Michael Douglas. These credentials fascinated me but perhaps the most interesting part was the whole "agnostic Jew becomes baptized Christian." What?

This book was very difficult for me to get into and I will be honest in starting this review. I couldn't make it past the 5th chapter even after reading for a couple months. That's highly unusual for me the self-professed bookworm. The first 5 chapters read more like a full-fledged autobiography with some random faith facts thrown in. It wasn't until he mentioned the experience of staying with an unbiological "aunt" that the first 'encounter' with Christ was mentioned. Most 'conversion story' books start with several pages on the author's life but to me this seemed excessive in this book and made it difficult to follow. I began to forget who was who and where we were in the story. Overall I would give this book 2 out of 5 stars but perhaps my rating is harsh based on my own personal opinion and experience with the book.